There’s a Cybersecurity Talent Shortage – Outsourcing for Success

There’s a Cybersecurity Talent Shortage – Outsourcing for Success

Keeping your mission-critical facility safe from cyber threats has become much harder in recent years. First, the pandemic brought on an onslaught of cyberattacks, with threat volume increasing 600% during COVID. 

There is also the rise of ransomware and Ransomware as a Service (Raas), which puts the tools to conduct this type of devastating attack into the hands of just about anyone.

Year over year ransomware attacks have jumped by 13%.

And now on top of the increasingly dangerous threat landscape, there is a shortage of cybersecurity talent. Just at the time businesses need it, it’s harder than ever to hire an in-house cybersecurity expert.

There are approximately 77,500 open cybersecurity postings across the U.S. This represents an increase of 74% from the prior year. It’s estimated that there are just 68 qualified employees available for every 100 open cybersecurity jobs.

This is not something that is going to be temporary either. The world is becoming more, not less, reliant on technology. Large criminal groups and state-sponsored hacking organizations see cyberattacks as money-making enterprises, and their tactics become more sophisticated all the time. 

Cybercrime Magazine projects that by 2025, there will be 3.5 million job openings in the field of cybersecurity. The need for cybersecurity specialists has outpaced the supply of those with the necessary technical skills to help companies defend against today’s threats and meet compliance standards.

However, all is not dark when it comes to protecting your critical infrastructure from threats. Organizations that outsource their cybersecurity management can enjoy the benefits of well-trained staff and work with professionals that have a continuously updated knowledge base of threat management.

What Are the Benefits of Outsourcing Your Cybersecurity Management?

Predictable Costs

When you sign up for cybersecurity services with an IT company, you know what those services will cost you per month. This bakes in a predictable expense, without any surprises. 

You can get all your security needs handled for one flat price with known costs for anything additional to your plan. When you are handling your own cybersecurity, this isn’t always the case. Especially if you run a mission-critical facility, where IT problems need to be addressed immediately.

Avoid Problematic Hiring Cycles

The excitement of having a new IT employee that is working out smoothly can quickly turn to frustration when that person decides to quit unexpectedly. Turnover costs companies their forward motion and can put your network security at risk if you’re between security hires.

It costs a company approximately 33% of an employee’s annual salary to hire a replacement. The costs are felt in the time spent vetting and interviewing potential candidates. Then there are the months of training needed to get a new cybersecurity specialist up to speed on your company’s infrastructure.

This is avoided when you outsource your cybersecurity needs. Not only do you avoid the hiring cycle, but you also do not carry the burden of employee benefits and insurance costs.

Faster Path to Cybersecurity Maturity

The security of your network is integral to the well-being of your business. When hiring in-house, you are often limited by both workload and capabilities. This means that it may take you longer to fully mature your network and implement approaches like zero trust.

When working with an outsourced IT provider, especially one that specializes in mission-critical facilities, you gain the benefit of many experts and many hands to help you ramp up your security optimizations at the pace you require.

Larger Base of Expert Knowledge

There is nothing wrong with an in-house cybersecurity employee, however, this is usually just one person or a small group inside an organization. That can limit how advanced your IT security protocols can be.

When working with a cybersecurity service provider, you gain the benefit of a large knowledge base shared among the experts on the team. You also gain the experience they get from working with hundreds of other facilities in all types of industries.

You Always Have Coverage

Whether you have one or a few in-house cybersecurity employees, there will be times when you don’t have the coverage you need. Employees take a vacation, sick leave, and personal days. They may also quit your company suddenly, leaving you without adequate IT security management.

You always have the coverage you need when outsourcing your IT. The provider has a team of well-trained experts, and they will all become familiar with your organization’s infrastructure. This way, no matter when you need someone, you’ll have a qualified specialist on-hand to help and one that knows and understands your network.

Learn Why Mission-Critical Facilities Trust WizNucleus with Their IT Security

Are you having trouble finding good cybersecurity talent? Why not learn more about cybersecurity outsourcing? You may just find it gives you better coverage and costs less. 

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation! Call +1 (646) 558-5577 (New York, NY) or +1 (469) 481-1726 (Carrollton, TX) or reach out online.

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