The following are changes to NERC CIP Version 4 as it applies to transmission substations and facilities are listed below followed by a brief description of each:
1.6. Transmission Facilities operated at 500 kV or higher.
This means that any substation that maintains transmission lines at a capacity of 500kv or higher are now considered Critical Assets.
1.7. Transmission Facilities operated at 300 kV or higher at stations or substations interconnected at 300 kV or higher with three or more other transmission stations or substations.
This means that any substation that has three interconnections of transmission lines at 300kv or higher are now considered Critical Assets.
1.8. Transmission Facilities at a single station or substation location that are identified by the Reliability Coordinator, Planning Authority or Transmission Planner as critical to the derivation of Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits (IROLs) and their associated contingencies.
This means that substations that are critical to IROLS and their contingencies as perceived by the RC, PA and TP will be Critical Assets. So if an RC for example believes that a substation is critical to the derivation of IROLS and its associated contingencies, then the utility that operates that substation must declare it to be a critical asset.
1.9. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS), at a single station or substation location, that are identified by the Reliability Coordinator, Planning Authority or Transmission Planner as critical to the derivation of Interconnection Reliability Operating Limits (IROLs) and their associated contingencies.
This means that FACTS substations that are critical to IROLS and their contingencies as perceived by the RC, PA and TP will be Critical Assets. So if an RC for example believes that a substation is critical to the derivation of IROLS and its associated contingencies, then the utility that operates that substation must declare it to be a critical asset.
1.10. Transmission Facilities providing the generation interconnection required to connect generator output to the transmission system that, if destroyed, degraded, misused, or otherwise rendered unavailable, would result in the loss of the assets identified by any Generator Owner as a result of its application of Attachment 1, criterion 1.1 or 1.3.
This means that substations that support Critical generation (generation facilities that are critical assets) will now be considered Critical Assets.
1.11. Transmission Facilities identified as essential to meeting Nuclear Plant Interface Requirements
This means that substations that are essential to nuclear plant interface requirements will now be considered Critical Assets.